Even though Mike and I hadn't known
each other for a very long time, we knew instantly that
we were meant for each other. I have never met anyone
whom I could connect with on so many levels, whom I
never tired of, who could make me laugh for hours, who
grounded me in ways I never thought possible, and who
made me feel so at home.

On August 1, 2004, Michael Ginicola
and I married. We had a very small wedding at Angels
Watch Inn, a wonderful Bed and Breakfast in Westbrook,
Connecticut. The inn only hosts small weddings, so we
only had local people come, but everyone was with us
in spirit.

I was a little nervous on the morning
of the wedding, when we peeked out the curtains and
it was pouring rain. But an hour before the ceremony,
the sun came out and it was beautiful. The ceremony
was wonderful and everything couldn't have been more

My mother and father and me

My parents both walked me down the jetty

My parents giving me away

The Justice of the Peace, Jean Winkler,
doing the beautiful ceremony

Saying our vows

Saying our vows

Mike putting my ring on

Me putting Mike's ring on

The first married kiss

My parents and us

Back at the Inn

Our toast

Cutting the cake

More cake

Mike and Glen

Michelle, Jess, Me, Alina, and Jessie

Jess and me

Our rings
These are only some of the digital photos,
so I'll put more up when I get all the pictures developed!