The people in my life are most treasured.
I have learned so much from each and every person and
they have influenced my life in so many ways.
I have put all the other important people
in my life sorted by the time I met them. If I forgot
you, email me
to bitch at me.
My Parents My
mother and my father are much older than most
people’s parents – they had me when
they were about 40 years old. Despite the trauma
of raising a teenager in their 50’s, they
have also shown me love and guided me towards
being my own person. |
My oldest brother. Even though Albey and I are
very different and don’t agree on everything
(anything?), he is a wonderful, sweet person and
a great father. |
My beautiful brother. I couldn't have chosen a
better brother. He is wonderful as a friend, a
mentor, an advisor, a nail/ hair care specialist,
and a brother. It is nice when you can honestly
say that a sibling is one of your best friends. |
(on the right, with me) My bestest friend in the
world. We have known each other since we were
10-11 years old. She is someone I can always count
on for whatever I need. She is a beautiful person,
inside and out. |
My favorite dog, who passed on in 1999. She was my best friend and so much
more. I met Edie when I picked her up from the
pound when I was 12 years old. I will never forget
my time with her. I miss you, Edie.
(on the left, with me) My other bestest friend.
Leah and I met at a Yoga class in college. Leah
is the friend that can make you laugh at the drop
of that hat. I am glad that she is finally get
all the happiness that she deserves, and I now
have two god children. |
(on the right of course, with me) Leah's dad.
He passed away from cancer in 1999. He was a wonderful
spirit and I could sit and listen to his stories
and music for hours. I miss you, Jack. |
My brother's friend and one of the coolest people
I know. He is not only very nice, he has a great
wardrobe for me to borrow when I come over. He
is a very compassionate and funny person, and
I am lucky to have been able to meet him. |
Lori is my most animated friend (next to Leah
that is). We met when I was working for her at
Cortland County ARC. She is a wonderful boss,
friend, and person. Plus she is great to pick
up after you when you have drank too much at a
drag show. Thanks Lori. |
Dalton is my friend from the Citizen's advocacy
program. He is a sweet little boy, and he always
makes me feel better about life whenever I am
with him. |
Davette We have known each other for a very long time, through lots of phases of our lives. She is a very interesting person and a great photographer, whose pics are decorating my web site. |
Michael We met through our mutual best friend Davette, and became buddies ever since. He is currently a graduate student at University of California at San Diego. |
Alina Alina and I were roomates in college, as well as great friends. Lina taught me how to wear makeup and hate cats. We found an "academic" peace together by ordering delivery and watching movies for nights off. She is a great person and a wonderful friend. She recently began work at Yale University with me and is now my super assistant. She keeps my career and personal life straight for me. Thank god for Lina. |
Paul A friend from my last semester at undergraduate school. We met each other only the last semester at our old college only to realize that we had the same last name, grew up a few streets away from each other, went to the same 2 year college, went to the same four year college and never met. We had every class together our last semester. |
Jess I met Jess through Davette - She is an art therapy major at Albertus Magnus graduate program. We ended up rooming together (which was a blast), becoming very close friends, and unable to move very far apart even when we both got married. We now still live in the same house, just on different floors. |
Joe Joe is Jess' husband. Although we were kind of unsure of each other at first, kinda like terratorial monkeys - we definitely warmed up to each other and we are very good friends - He is goofy and fun and caring and sweet all at the same time. |
Michelle I met Michelle at Yale. She was a year ahead of me and we bonded through our misery as graduate students. I can always count on Michelle to pull me out of my shell and get me going. |