Pets: The Story of Laila
Once upon a time, there were these
two suckers named Misty and Jess. One day, September
23, 2002, Jess' mom Ann asked Jess and Misty to help
out with a rescue operation from West Virginia, where
a number of dogs and cats were going to be "terminated"
because they had been in a shelter too long. One of
the dogs that Jess and Misty rescued was a small beautiful
black dog. Misty, being the slightly bigger sucker,
convinced Jess to add this dog to our household.

Misty shown here, obviously having
no clue
Michael offered the name "Laila"
which is Hebrew for night. We all lived in blissful
happiness not knowing of the little secret Laila was

Nobody noticed the guilty face
Being the ever responsible pet owners,
we promptly sent away for her spay certificate and made
her appointment for November 20, 2002, when the certificate
would come back. Then one day, Misty and Jess noticed
that Laila was improving her bra size. All nine of them.
Curious to why this would be, Misty consulted Michael,
who mentioned a thing called "false pregnancy,"
a condition where sometimes dogs thought they were pregnant
and went through the motions, but didn't actually have
puppies. Clinging on to pure hope, Misty and Jess continued
to perpetuate the "false pregnancy" option
and awaited her spay appointment.

Sleeping. Blissful. Ignorant.
And then on one cold and windy night
on November 18, 2002 (only 2 days from her vet appointment),
Misty noticed that Laila was acting....strange. A quick
call to Ellen,
Michael's mom, who breeds dogs, revealed that Laila
might not be falsely pregnant, but really pregnant.
Misty felt Laila's tummy, only to feel it kick back.
But, Laila kept acting weird, and within two hours,
Misty's gloved hands were covered in ick and puppy goo,
and three little "false" puppies were really
born on 409 Ellsworth.

Confused New Mom with Puppies
Then the puppies found their brand
new homes. Unfortunately, one of the puppies was hit
by a car at his new home, which was very sad for everyone.
But Tae went with Chris and Sarah in New York and has
reportedly had much fun tearing around their new house.
Wriley went home with Vicky and Stacy and is doing great
as well! According to Vicky, she loves to be cuddly
and rest with Stacy on the couch!
Will update a picture soon!
And how is the mom? Laila is loving
life with no puppies, happy and carefree. She is also
quite happy being the puppy of the house again.
